SAE Innovations in Mobility Virtual Event
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST

Please join us on Wednesday, January 27 for a virtual discussion on autonomous vehicles and pedestrian safety. Each year, 1.3 million people die on roads hit by vehicles according to the World Health Organization. Pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists have very little protection. It is the number one cause of fatality of our children in the US. All the technologies on vehicles today can only solve 35% of the fatality scenarios. Still 65% of the accidents remained unsolved until today. New technologies can complement vehicle-based technologies and provide full safety of our smart cities.
Bastien Beauchamp
Today Bastien is 47 and heads !important as CEO, a pedestrian safety company based out of Berkeley, CA. Bastien sits on 6 legislative committees of the National Judicial College, NASA, SAE, the Automotive Safety Council and PAVE. His mission is to save 1 million lives over the next decade.