What: SAE SoCal Virtual Section Meeting – Cyber Security during the COVID-19 Pandemic 

When: Wednesday, August 19, 2020, @ 5:00 pm (Pacific)

Where: A video presentation of this event is posted below.
Mark ZachosWho: Mark Zachos, President, DG TechnologiesMark Zachos has over 30 years of engineering experience in automotive cyber security, vehicle electronics and diagnostics systems. He holds several patents on vehicle communications technology. Mark is a US delegate to the International Standards Organization (ISO) Road Vehicle Standards Working Group, is a member of TMC, IEEE, and has been very active in SAE Technical Committee work for over 25 years. He is the Chairman for several technical standards SAE Task Forces with direct involvement with standards development for over 20 technical light and heavy-duty vehicle standards. He is a co-Organizer for several IEEE and SAE events related to intelligent vehicles and communications.
Mark is the founder and President of DG Technologies, (a company specializing in secure vehicle network diagnostics communications technology). Mr. Zachos is a recipient of several industry awards including the SAE Technical Standards Board Outstanding Contribution Award, and the IEEE Goodman Award
Why: Join us for a Zoom Webinar presentation from Mark Zachos. Mr. Zachos is a world recognized expert in cyber security and automotive electronics. Mark will discuss the following timely topics: Digital Lock-Down Human Viruses and Digital Viruses – the Tipping Point Virus Spreading and Mutation SAE Cyber Security Standards History of Modern Cryptology Future Cyber Security Research 

How: The event is FREE to attend.