WHAT: 100 teams of college students from around the world competing to design, build and race single-seat off-road race cars.
WHEN: Thursday, May 16 – Sunday May 19
WHERE: Hungry Valley SVRA, Gorman, CA
HOW: Volunteers are needed to help in the following areas:
Thursday, May 16
Sales presentation judges (Location: Valencia, CA)
Friday, May 17
Engineering design presentation judges
Event support
Saturday, May 18
Dynamic event volunteers (suspension & traction, maneuverability, hill climb, acceleration, practice track)
Event support
Sunday, May 19
Endurance race recovery crew
Event support
Link to sign up: https://www.bajasae.net/go/?vol=BajaVolunteerCA
Competition info: https://www.sae.org/attend/student-events/baja-sae-california/about
CONTACT US: BajaVolunteerCA@gmail.com